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Our blog is updated with helpful information about our premium landscape construction and commercial maintenance services.
Why Tree Trimming Is Important in Protecting Your Home and Family
Tree trimming is one of the most effective ways of shaping and cleaning up any trees that surround your home. While this can result in a more beautiful appearance, did you know it could also help ...
Identifying Soil Issues for a Healthy Turf
Over time Purple Care and our partners have pulled soil samples from many of your lawns to make sure the turf is healthy and to identify any potential issues. Unfortunately, if you live in North...
Nutrition For Plants: Why Do Plants Need Nutrients to Grow?
Plants need nutrients for the same reasons that animals need them. They need them to germinate, grow, fight off diseases and pests and to reproduce. Like animals, nutrients are needed in...
Purple Care Receives 2016 Consumers’ Choice Award
We are excited to share that Purple Care has been selected as the 2016 Consumers’ Choice Award winner for the best Lawn Care Provider in Dallas-Fort Worth. Over 20,000 votes were cast by...
Conduct Fall Fertilizing to Enjoy Beautiful Green Lawns in Spring!
Did you know the secret to a lovely green spring lawn involves hard work performed during the Fall season? Ask Purple Care to help you implement a fertilizing program now for keeping your lawn in the ...
Early Pest Control Treatment Can Save Your Lawn
Lawn care can be a delicate art that requires comprehensive knowledge of the many problems that can affect grass plants, as well as an understanding of how to use the various chemicals needed to...
Protect Your Lawn During the Hot Summer Days
Summer is a rough time for your lawn–the sun beats down intensely, the rain falls harder, there’s more foot traffic to trample it, and weeds trying to take over at every turn. And...
Preparing Your Yard for Mosquitoes
When the weather becomes warm, pest control is a concern for homeowners and people who have yards. Mosquitoes are one of the pests that frequent front lawns and backyards. There are different ways to ...
What to Ask Before Hiring a Lawn Care Company
Seeking a pleasant immaculate lawn takes a lot of work and involves a lot of activities besides mowing. Even though it is possible to take care of your lawn by yourself, sometimes you need to...